We believe that the creator economy has helped usher in
one of the most prolific and original eras
of creative expression ever recorded.
In the backdrop of agency consolidation
and content commodification,
we’ve spent the last 10 years
obsessing over a rapidly changing culture
and the most influential voices shaping it,
to anticipate what
and who is next –
making the businesses that want to tap in,
and challenge convention and category
famous for being a ‘first,’
not a follower.
From leading the charge behind micro-influencers
to creating best-in-class brand advocacy programs,
from spotting trends and talent before they blow up,
to inventing new ways to reach future customers
through the social communities they belong to,
we’ve put how influence spreads at the core
of the New Marketing playbook.
So if this sounds like the kind of partner you’re looking for,
and the kind of work you want to be known for,
we’d like to meet.
We are Social Studies
and we’ve been making firsts since the beginning.